As a 1st Year Pharmacy Student

As the title implies, I just ended my 1st year in university!
Well technically I'll be having my finals two weeks later yet I can't help but indulge in this holiday mood already fml
I just came back to Penang yesterday without informing my mum
She was so happy seeing me and I'll never forget her reaction it was so precious haha love you, mum.

So my last assessment on Friday before ending year one was the PSD assessment.
It was like the simplified version of OSCE and it really scared the shit outta me
Overall I think I did it pretty well, except I forgot to include alcohol intake and OTC medication in my history taking *facepalm* I think that would cost me about 2-3 marks
However, I managed to close it within the stipulated time. So generally, I'm satisfied with my performance *dabbing* 
I must do it better next time!

I think my first year as a pharmacy student was less intimidating than I expected it to be.
Of course, the workload was huge, and we literally had 8-6 classes almost every week
The amount of lab practical sessions wasn't joking, we had them at least twice a week.
Not to mention PBL and PSD sessions that require a lot of preparation
But I really enjoyed Semester 2 a lot, especially PBL sessions
It offered me the chance to think critically and explore the knowledge in many areas which I'd not had the chance to learn in my curriculum

Besides, I also became the committee in Sponsorship Dept for two events.
I never took up sponsorship related positions before so it was really an eye-opening experience for me.
These experiences granted me many precious insights about event management, which, of course, is a broad and complicated skill that I need to sharpen on
It was this kind of experience that reminds me to stay humble and be thirsty about learning new skills.
I'm really grateful that seniors decided to put me in this challenging department, despite the fact that I I had no relevant experience in sponsorship it was a bold move walao
Thanks to the seniors from other universities for guiding and mentoring me throughout the entire process, from writing an email to successfully obtaining a sponsorship from the company.
Although the tasks were time-consuming and required high levels of patience and soft skills, I really appreciate the exposures and learning experiences this role had offered to me.

The most transformative experience of me in semester two is making many friends!
Through organising events, PBL, practical sessions, community service and scholars club activities,
I came to know many awesome and down-to-earth human beings. IMU is such a great place with many great people, seriously :)
I'm glad that I'm no longer as introverted as I was in semester one, and I became more eloquent in speaking out my opinion. 
All of these wouldn't happen without these nice people around me who offered their help and encouragement so generously, love you all xoxo

Lastly, thank you, Lord Jesus, for Your love and guidance throughout this year. 
Step by step, let's rock second year!


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